Edouard Tavinor
1 min readFeb 26, 2021


This is the Hillary Clinton who tried to get single-payer health care passed in the 90s and almost managed it. Look who didn't vote for it? Bernie Sanders. This is also the Hillary Clinton who got the overwhelming majority of the votes of the LGBTQ community during the Democratic primaries, just as she got the overwhelming majority of black votes.

You can choose to ignore these inconvenient truths, but it doesn't make your position any less colored by your irrational hatred.

Also, no HRC did not sponsor DOMA. At the time, Republicans wanted to get a constitutional amendment past restricting marriage to be between a man and a woman. DOMA was a way of stopping this from happening and it passed the houses with a veto-proof majority.

Hillary Clinton was never in favor of the war in Iraq. You have your history wrong there. She voted for giving the President powers to start military action as a way to put pressure on Saddam Hussein. She explained this at great length at the time. And it worked as well. Weapons inspectors were allowed in. But then Bush went to war anyway.

So basically you've got nothing apart from soundbites you haven't understood and your desire to believe in them.

